How Do I Choose My Ideal Colour?

How Do I Choose My Ideal Colour?

Flagland require print ready artwork files to be set up as CMYK – and not RGB.

Why? This is because our printers print in CMYK – so setting up the files this way will ensure that the colours printed on the signs are as close as possible to the colours expected by our customers.

Why Do Artwork Files Need To Be Set Up In CMYK. And Not RGB?

When designing artwork with a software program there are two main colour modes that you can use to create your design or artwork:

a) RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) (often referred to as a subtractive colour format) and

b) CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key) (known as a additive colour format)

Why are CMYK files more colour consistent when printed?

CMYK files are more consistent when printed for two reasons:

1) The colour on the screen will be reproduced more accurately

2) We print with CMYK inks so we regularly monitor our equipment to ensure that our prints today should match our prints months and years from now. RGB colours cannot be monitored.

Screen Colour vs Ink Colour:

As previously mentioned RGB colours have a wider colour gamut so a colour that is bright with lots of light on your screen may not be possible to achieve with CMYK inks. This can be demonstrated below by designing two files using the same software, but one using RGB and the other CMYK colour modes.

cmyk color printing code
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